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How to enable “Safe Mode” in SheetMagic

Published by Curran Van Waarde

Enabling “Safe Mode” in SheetMagic ensures enhanced reliability for bulk operations, which can be crucial when running bulk prompts. This guide will walk you through the process of enabling this feature, along with highlighting its benefits.


  • Google Account: Ensure you are logged into your main Google account and that you are the owner of the spreadsheet.
  • Multiple Accounts: If you are logged into multiple Google accounts within the same browser, make sure your main account is the first one logged in. Attempting to enable “Safe Mode” while logged into secondary accounts may result in errors.
  • Incognito Mode: As an alternative, you can use Incognito Mode in your browser if you need to enable “Safe Mode” with a specific Google account that is not your primary logged-in account.

Steps to Enable “Safe Mode”

  1. Open the SheetMagic Sidebar: Start by opening the SheetMagic sidebar within your Google Sheets interface.
  2. Toggle On “Safe Mode”: Within the sidebar, locate the “Safe Mode” toggle switch and turn it on.
  3. Authenticate with Google: Click “Continue with Google” and follow the prompts to allow the necessary permissions. This ensures that SheetMagic can access your spreadsheet to perform tasks.
  4. Confirmation: Once you’ve completed these steps, “Safe Mode” will be enabled, and you’ll see a confirmation message.

Benefits of “Safe Mode”

  • Enhanced Reliability: By enabling “Safe Mode”, all your bulk operations will be processed through our cloud servers. This extra layer of reliability minimizes the chances of errors, especially when dealing with large-scale operations.
  • Slightly Increased Processing Time: While “Safe Mode” offers fewer errors and more stable performance, it may slightly increase the processing time compared to standard mode. This trade-off is designed to ensure that your data is handled with the highest possible accuracy.
  • Ideal for Critical Tasks: If you’re performing operations that involve significant amounts of data or require utmost precision, “Safe Mode” is highly recommended.

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