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SheetMagic is now compatible with any AI model with our OpenRouter integration!

Our new name is SheetMagic!

Published by Curran Van Waarde

As of August 25, 2023 our name has officially changed to SheetMagic. Other than this change, the way our product works won’t be any different. We’re just at instead of, and old links will simply redirect to the new site.

SheetGPT is a good name…

…well, it was a good name, because it’s not going to be our name anymore.

For many of you, the reason for this is probably pretty clear. The impending trademark from OpenAI on GPT is of worry to us. Along with that, another product also named SheetGPT exists and has been causing a lot of confusion with customers.

So we set out to rename ourselves, something many other successful companies have also done for a wide variety of reasons…

There were three things we wanted from a new name. For it to:

  1. Be enchanting, memorable, and stand out as being distinctly unique
  2. Convey the FULL magic we bring to spreadsheets, rather than just adding AI to sheets
  3. Not get us screwed legally (honestly this is the main reason 🤣)

So why SheetMagic? It’s a captivating, fun name. And it just fits.

We provide the magic touch to your data needs (and no, not the Michael Jackson type of magic touch, sicko).

Our goal is to be the single source of data enchantment for your spreadsheets. A place where everyone can use a little magic to improve their life in business.

They say there’s no magic in numbers and they were right about that… Until now.

Goodbye SheetGPT.

Hello SheetMagic.

As of August 25, 2023 our name has officially changed to SheetMagic. Other than this change, the way our product works won’t be any different. We’re just at instead of, and old links will simply redirect to the new site.

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